East Coast Stamina 11 is a split-division event. Each division is split into two portions: a
marathon, and a
timed set (sometimes called "Raw Output") where players
pick from a pre-selected list of songs.
- Lower Division consists of a pack of content rated 12-17 and a marathon rated 17.
- Mid Division consists of a pack of content rated 17-22 and a marathon rated 22.
- Upper Division consists of a pack of content rated 23-28 and a marathon rated ??.
- Speed Division consists of a pack of content rated 23-32 and does not include a marathon.
Entrants get an hour to warm up prior to both the marathon and the timed set.
You may only submit scores obtained on pad-- keyboard scores are not allowed. Bracketing/mashing during songs is strictly not allowed. Disabling Way Offs and Decents is against the rules unless done by relics (and the option is disabled in the relevant modes). No Mines and turn mods like Mirror are legal. Mods that change the type/number of arrows (such as Planted or Simple) are illegal. Rate mods below 1.0x are banned.
A practice scoresheet is available and is extremely useful for planning your set:
ECS11 Worksheet.
You'll need to be logged into Google Drive and go to
File -> Make Copy so that you can make your own edits.

For the timed set, once the player ends their warmup time, they start their set, and it continues until one of these
two scenarios is met:
- The break timer reaches 0 seconds
- The set timer exceeds 1 hour and the count of songs played meets or exceeds 7
Players start at
0 on the set timer and
15 minutes on the break timer for Lower/Mid/Upper divisions (the Speed Division however starts with
20 minutes on the break timer).
The set timer is
counting up at all times, but the break timer
only counts down on screens outside of gameplay (so if you're not in a song, it's counting down). Everyone's
set timer functions identically, but the break timer can be impacted by the use of certain relics.
The set
will not end mid-song. This means if you are playing an 8th song to try to improve your top 7 passes as the set timer passes the hour mark,
your set will continue until the song ends, and you will get normal credit for that attempt.
Your final score in the tournament is simply the sum of your Marathon Points and Set Points. The details about how these are accrued is explained
You only get one attempt at the marathon, and one attempt at the timed set. There are only two exceptions to this:
- On the marathon portion, the Arvin's Gambit relic allows a single reattempt of the marathon if you fail.
- For the timed set, in the speed division only, you may reattempt the set as many times as you like while score submissions are open.
Marathon Info
Scoring for the marathon is simple:
MarathonPoints = (35000 * MarathonScore) + 10000 PassingBonus
You can choose up to 2 relics on the marathon, with varied effects described in the relic properties.
There is no marathon portion in the Speed Division.
Timed Set Info
Scoring for the timed set is a bit more complex, but the complexity is a bit deceiving. The tl;dr here is: play harder, faster, denser, longer songs and get better scores on
them and you'll be more successful. Use the best relics available to you and you'll be even more successful. That's what it boils down to.
Keep in mind, also: Relics are not usable in the Speed Division.
The following isn't information necessary for competing, but if you want to put in the extra effort to learn it, you may benefit from it during your set.
There are five types of points that you gain as you pass songs, and these are summed to become your overall Set Points:
- Dexterity Points (DP) - Caps at 1000 per song. The higher the rank of the chart's average BPM relative to charts in its block, the more DP it's worth.
- Endurance Points (EP) - Caps at 1000 per song. Charts with a high amount of run and proportionally low amount of break are worth more.
- Rating Points (RP) - Caps at 6000 per song (higher in the Speed Division). Increments by 1000 per block of difficulty in the division.
- Accuracy Points (AP) - Caps at 1000 per song. The better your score is, the more points you'll get here.
- Affinities - Caps at 500 per song. Based on the distribution of NP assigned by the player prior to SRPG ending. More details below on these. Not used in the Speed Division.
- Bonus Points (BP) - No hard cap. Only granted by relics (which are not equippable in the Speed Division).
As far as passing/failing goes during the timed set, you must pass in order to get full points on a song. However, if you fail, depending
on the length of the song that you're playing, you can still get partial points for the song. The amount you receive for a fail is also
influenced by the skill level you achieved during qualifiers at the speed tier the song belongs to. If you fail a short song in a tier
you have low skill in, you're not going to get very many points.
Also note that positive relic effects (such as BP gains, break timer replenishment, etc.) do not happen unless you pass-- consumable relics (such as arrows, food, potions, etc.), however,
are still used even if you fail, so be mindful of that.
You can equip any two relics you possess prior to each song (except for when relic effects state otherwise). More information
on these can be found on the
Relics page from the Stamina RPG qualifiers.
Only your points from the seven songs that yielded the highest total points count towards your set points. For instance, if you play an 18 and then seven
21s in your set, the 18 will stop counting once you've played the 8th song as it will no longer be in your top 7. This and some of the other portions of the
ruleset are all in place to help balance between people playing long content and people playing shorter content.
Timed Set Calculations
This is just for anyone curious about where the numbers are coming from for this-- you don't need to know the specifics in this much detail.
DP Calculation:
1000 * (1 - (MaxBPMOfBlockLevel-SongBPM) / (MaxBPMOfBlockLevel-MinBPMOfBlockLevel))
EP Calculation:
1000 * (1 - (MaxScaled16thsRankOfBlockLevel-SongScaled16thsRankOfBlockLevel) / (MaxScaled16thsRankOfBlockLevel - MinScaled16thsRankOfBlockLevel))
SongScaled16ths = SongTotalMeasures16ths * SongAdjStream%^1.6
DP/EP Calculation:
ONLY USED for relic calculations, not part of Set Total
1000 * (1 - ((MaxDPEPSum - SongDPEPSum) / (MaxDPEPSum - MinDPEPSum)))
DPEPSum = SongDP + SongEP
RP Calculation:
1000 * (1 + (SongBlockLevel - MinDivisionBlockLevel))
AP Calculation:
(ScorePercent^4) * 1000
Fail Point Calculation:
For songs under 8 minutes:
((DP + EP + RP + AP) * (SkillAtSpeedTier / 99) * ScorePercent) * ((SongLength - (LengthOfShortestDivisionSong) + 0.1) / ( 8 - (LengthOfShortestDivisionSong))
For songs over 8 minutes:
((DP + EP + RP + AP) * (SkillAtSpeedTier / 99) * ScorePercent)
BP 'Bonus' Calculation:
Points * ConstantForLevelAndPointType
The 'ConstantForLevelAndPointType' is just whatever constant is necessary to reach a max of:
100 * LevelOfBonus
for the highest point value for that point type.
That may sound confusing, but all it really means is that a song worth 1000 EP (the max) will give you 400 BP with a Lv. 4 EP Bonus from a relic,
200 BP from a Lv. 2 EP Bonus, and so on. It scales linearly with the point values for that song.
Here's some more examples if you're still confused:
- LV. 2 DP bonus means a song worth 1000 DP will contribute 200 BP with an appropriate relic equipped. An 500 DP song would add 100 BP.
- LV. 3 AP bonus means a quad on a song (which is worth 1000 AP) will contribute 300 BP.
- LV. 3 DP/EP bonus means your BP can max at 300 for that relic and the amount is based on the rank of that chart's summed DP and EP within the block level.
And to give a more specific example, if you're using a Murgleis, you'll get 250 BP for using it on Fine Night (Hard)-- 100 from the flat BP bonus of the relic which kicks in since it's a 170 tier song, and another 150 based on the 751 DP/EP rating for that chart,
since Murgleis also has a Lv. 2 DP/EP Bonus for 170 tier songs. If your second relic for that same song is Alacritous Aspis, you'd only get 121 BP from using it, because Fine Night (Hard),
being as slow as it is in the block, is worth only 405 DP out of a potential 1000, which means even Alacritous Aspis's Lv. 3 DP Bonus isn't going to do much to help it.
Take careful note of requirements like speed tiers, needing a bow/arrow in another relic slot, and so on-- in the previous example, relics like Mandau (which only has bonuses for 150 tier songs) or
Claustrum (which only has bonuses for 130 tier songs) would give you 0 BP. These requirements are always noted for each individual property on the relic.
Affinities and Nature Points
In Stamina RPG, as you gain experience levels, you accrue
Nature Points, which can be assigned to four different affinities:
- EP Affinity
- DP Affinity
- RP Affinity
- AP Affinity
For each of these, you will gain bonus points towards your total proportionate to the song's point values for the matching attributes (very similarly to how relic
bonuses work). It's calculated as follows:
Affinity Calculation:
Bonus = ((AffinityValue/2000)* ChartPointsForMatchedAffinity)
For RP:
Bonus = (ChartRP/(MaxDivisionRP/1000)* (AffinityValue/2000))
The difference is just because RP goes beyond 1000 points, whereas the other point types do not.
Some examples of this:
- 1000 NP assigned to DP means on a chart worth 1000 DP, you get 500 additional points added to your total
- 500 NP assigned to RP means on a 19 in mid division (those are all worth 3000 RP), you get 125 additional points added to your total
- 200 NP assigned to AP means for an 85% score (this would be worth 523 AP), you get 52 additional points added to your total
Another way you can think of it is that having
1000 NP assigned to an affinity is equivalent to having a
Lv. 5 bonus towards that affinity with a relic, and it
scales linearly as you assign fewer points.
Keep in mind that if you have your NP split across multiple affinities (so maybe 300 assigned to EP and 200 assigned to DP, for instance), you get the bonuses
afforded for each affinity based on the pass. Like with relics, however, you do not get bonuses from your affinities unless you pass the chart.
Affinities are not a factor in the Speed Division.